热点新闻 2022-06-15 19:55www.kangaizheng.com奇闻异事
Cha has approved three traditional Chese medice (TCM) products for sale to help treat Covid-19, the government's National Medical Products Admistration announced on Wednesday.
The agency used a special approval procedure to green-light the three products, which "provide more options for Covid-19 treatment," it said a statement.
The herbal products e granular form and trace their origs to "ancient Chese prescriptions," said the statement. They were developed from TCM remedies that had been used early the pandemic, and that were "screened by many academics and experts on the front le."
周三国家管理局宣布, 中国政府已批准传统制剂的销售,用来帮助治疗新冠病毒。
1 traditional Chese medice 传统中药
2 National Medical Products Admistration 国家药品管理局
3 provide more options 提供更多可能
4 be screened by 被筛查
5 on the front le 一线
The three products are "lung-clearg and detoxg granules," "dampness-resolvg and detoxg granules," and "lung-diffusg and detoxg granules," said the statement.
The safety and effectiveness of TCM is still debated Cha, where it has both adherents and skeptics. Though many of the remedies TCM have been use for hundreds of years, critics argue that there is no verifiable scientific evidence to support their supposed benefits.
1 is still debated 仍存在争议
2 adherents and skeptics 追随者和质疑者
3 there is no verifiable scientific evidence 没有可证实的科学依据
Traditional medice is a treasure of Chese civilization embodyg the wisdom of the nation and its people. Throughout the outbreak, X has repeatedly exhorted doctors to treat patients with a mix of Chese and Western medices.
Now, authorities are lookg to expand the dustry, which was estimated to exceed 3 trillion yuan ($430 billion) by 2020. The country will aim to cultivate 100,000 TCM professionals with the next 10 years, and implement a series of measures such as TCM curricula schools.
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