GIRL'S DAY成员资料简介 久违团聚气氛欢乐满满
Every day, it's Girl's Day with惠利 as she unveils a brand new VLOG showcasing her gathering with the girls from Girl's Day for a delightful dining and date night. The ambiance is electric with joy and laughter!
Since June of this year,惠利, also known as ?? on her personal YouTube channel, has been regularly uploading VLOGs to share her life and work updates with her fans.
The latest video recently released captures her reuion with the three members of Girl's Day - 珉雅, Yura, and 素珍. The girls enjoy a cozy time together, dining on grilled sausage, chatting, and sipping on the recently trending black sugar milk tea in Korea. The evening concludes with 惠利 driving back to 素珍's home for more sisterly bondings, even with 素珍's beloved cat making an appearance to greet the fans!
Numerous fans have left comments after watching this VLOG, expressing their joy at seeing the girls' strong bond despite their separate paths. Many have said, "It's great to see you girls together again, so much fun and joy!" "I love watching you four together, please upload more videos and come back soon!" And so on.
- GIRL'S DAY成员资料简介 久违团聚气氛欢乐满满
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