中国之最地理英语 人教版七八九年级课本单词汇

奇人奇事 2024-12-19 09:02www.kangaizheng.com奇闻异事




morning(/'m?:ni?/)——清晨的曙光宣告着新的一天的开始。“morning”便是这美好早晨的代名词。当我们说“Good morning!”时,意味着向对方致以清晨的问候。

当阳光从天空斜射下来,进入午后时段,我们会用到afternoon(/,a:ft?'nu:n/)——这个午后时光的标志词。一句“Good afternoon!”便是向对方传达午后愉快的问候。

当夜幕渐渐降临,星空点点,夜晚的序曲奏响。evening(/'i:vni?/)这个词仿佛带着一种静谧与安宁的氛围。一句“Good evening!”是对夜晚美好的祝愿。

我们还会接触到一些实用的词语。ho(/hau/)——如何开始一段对话,询问对方近况或感受?“Ho are you?”这句话正是我们表达关心的方式。而are(/a:/)作为动词,它在句子中扮演着连接与确认的角色。而you(/ju:/)——无论你是单独一个人还是一群人,这个词都是向你们传达问候和祝福的关键。


在Starter Unit 2中,我们学习了不同的代词和名词。比如,“hat”这个词,当我们用英语表达时,就是“what is this in English?”,这就是用英语表达“这是什么?”的方式。我们也学习了如何使用不同的语言,比如“map”是地图,“cup”是杯子,“ruler”是尺,“pen”是笔等。每一个物品都有它自己的英文表达。同样,“orange”是橙子,“jacket”是夹克衫,“key”是钥匙等等。“quilt”这个单词代表被子或床罩。当我们说“it is a...”,这就是我们描述某个物品的方式。当我们说“a key”,我们指的是一把钥匙。“that”则是用来指代那个特定的物品。我们也学习了如何拼写单词,“spell it please”就是我们请求别人拼写某个单词的方式。

在Starter Unit 3中,我们学习了不同的颜色词汇,如红色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、黑色、白色、紫色和棕色等。当我们看到这些颜色的东西时,我们可以用英语来表达它们。“the”是一个定冠词,用于指代已经提到或容易理解的人或事物。“no”现在用来表示当前的情况。“see”是理解或明白的意思,“can”表示能力,“say”是说或讲的动作。“my”是我的代词。

在Unit 1中,我们学习了名字、愉快的、遇见、你的、女士、他的、和、她的等词汇。我们也学习了数字如零、一、二、三、四、五、六等。电话号码就是这些数字的组合。“first name”是名字,“last name”是姓氏。“friend”是朋友的意思。“China”就是中国。“middle school”是中学的意思。

Unit 3


bye /bai/ interj. 再见,是一种告别的方式,也是新的开始。????

son /s?n/ n. 他有一个宝贝儿子,小宝贝是他生活中的小太阳。????

cousin /'k?zn/ n. 堂兄弟姐妹,是家族中那些与我们有共同血脉的人,是亲戚中的小团队。???????????????????

grandpa /'gr?npa:/ n. 外祖父或爷爷,是家中的长者,拥有智慧和故事的人。????

mom /m?m/, /ma:m/ n. 妈妈,是最亲切、最温暖的称呼。????

aunt /a:nt/ n. 姑母、姨母等,是家族中的温暖力量。????

grandma /'gr?nma:/ n. 外婆或奶奶,给予我们关爱和庇护。????

dad /d?d/ n. 父亲,是家庭中的坚实后盾。????

uncle /'??kl/ n. 舅舅、叔叔等,是亲戚中的一部分,带来温暖和支持。????

daughter /'d?:t?/ n. 女儿,是父母的小棉袄,带来无尽的欢乐和温暖。????

Unit 4


Unit 5


Unit 6



购物时,我们总会面对这些选择:“How much...?”价格标签背后的数字,是我们购买衣物的重要参考。短袜、T恤、短裤、毛衣、裤子、鞋子和裙子,这些衣物构成了我们的日常穿搭。无论是大号的还是小号的,无论是长的还是短的,这些衣物都反映了我们的个性和品味。

在时尚的世界里,女子总是不可或缺的一部分。时尚潮流总是瞬息万变,但我们对美的追求从未改变。当我们走进商店时,总会听到那句熟悉的问句:“Can I help you?”这里的一切都是为了满足我们对美好生活的向往和追求。


今天,需要买一些衣物和鞋子。你走进一家商店,里面摆满了各式各样的衣服和鞋子。一双双漂亮的鞋子摆在显眼的位置,让人看了眼花缭乱。你想要买下一对合适的鞋子,但是看到价格又犹豫不决。店员走过来,告诉你正在进行打折活动,一些款式非常划算。你很感兴趣,开始挑选自己喜欢的款式和颜色。终于选好了鞋子,你感到很满意。接着,你看到了很多衣服也在打折,而且每一件都非常好看。你看了看时间,发现还有几个小时就下班了,于是决定抓紧时间购买几件新衣服。最终,你挑选了几件自己喜欢的衣服和鞋子,准备付款离开商店。在离开之前,店员对你说:“Happy birthday!”原来今天是你的生日。你感到非常高兴,同时也感到自己真的长大了。你期待着参加聚会和晚会,与朋友们分享这个快乐的时刻。告别店员后,你带着新买的衣物和鞋子回家了。整个过程非常愉快,你觉得自己做出了正确的选择。这是一个值得纪念的日子,你将永远记住这个特殊的日子。亲爱的朋友,愿你在时间的洪流中游刃有余,如同沐浴在阳光下般享受生活每一个精彩的瞬间。在数字一、二、三、五、八、九的陪伴下,无论是参加一场测验,还是踏上一段旅程,都愿你收获满满。艺术、节日和亲爱的情感,是学生时代不可或缺的元素,它们如同美丽的风景,点缀着你的校园生活。



UNIT 1 matter [?m?t?r] v. 重要,要紧,有关系What’s the matter? 怎么了? 当我们询问别人怎么了,或者有什么问题时,我们可以说:“What’s the matter?” 这句话的意思是“怎么了?有什么问题吗?” 在交流中,了解对方的问题或困扰是很重要的。通过询问“What’s the matter?”,我们可以更好地了解对方的感受和需求,从而提供适当的帮助或建议。 例如,在朋友看起来不开心时,我们可以问:“What’s the matter?” 来了解他们是否遇到了什么问题或困扰。通过了解原因,我们可以给予关心和支持,帮助他们度过难关。

Unit 1 - How Can We Be Good Learners?

In the realm of learning, it's all about the journey and not just the destination. Textbooks, conversations, pronunciation, and sentences are all tools to master the language. Patiently working through each word and expression, we discover the secrets of language and fall in love with its grammar. Repeat, note, and pattern become our allies as we seek to understand and apply what we learn. Physics and chemistry open up new worlds, and partners help us along the way. Pronouncing each sound correctly, we increase our ability and connect the dots between ideas. Overnight, we review what we've learned, and knowledge becomes our friend. Annie, Alexander Graham Bell, and the rest of us in this unit are all learners, seeking wisdom and growth.

Unit 2 - I Think That Mooncakes Are Delicious!

Mooncakes, those delectable delights of the Mid-Autumn Festival, are more than just a treat. They're a cultural icon, a symbol of family and tradition. From stranger to relative, these little rounds of yumminess bring people together. Put on a layer of weight, and you've got a whole new experience. Pounds and folk merge in the taste of these festive foods. Goddesses and ghosts may be the stuff of legend, but mooncakes are all too real. Treats, spiders, and novels all play a part in this unit, as we delve into the world of food and festival.

Unit 3 - Could You Please Tell Me Where the Restrooms Are?

In the quest for cleanliness, the search for restrooms can be a challenge. Stamps, postcards, and pardons all play a part in this quest. From ashrooms to bathrooms, quick and rush are the keywords. Suggestions from staff help us find our way, and grapes and malls provide a respite. Corners and politeness are in order, and speakers and choices help us make decisions. In direction and correctness, we find our way, and home is where we belong.

Unit 4 - I Used to Be Afraid of the Dark.

Once afraid of the dark, we've come to embrace its mysterious side. Humor, silence, and helpfulness are our allies. From time to time, we score in life, and backgrounds play a part. Asians and deals help us cope, and daredevilry takes us to new heights. Private guards require us to be polite, and British speech is a joy. Ants and insects influence our lives, and seldom do we fail. Examinations and boarding schools test our mettle, and we take pride in our grandkids. In general, introductions are made, and Paula, Alfred, Billy, and the rest of us in this unit have come to love life's surprises.

Unit 5 - What Are the Shirts Made Of?

From material to grass, the journey of a shirt's journey is an interesting one. Chopsticks, coins, and forks all play a part. Blouses and silver add a touch of elegance, and glass and cotton create a comfortable fit. Steel and grass give us a green thumb, and leaves produce a natural beauty. France and local flavors merge in these shirts, and brands avoid disappointment. Products and handbags add convenience, and mobile phones are the new norm. Germany's surface is a treat, and postmen deliver the goods. Caps and gloves protect us, and internationally, we宠itor for the top spots. Paints its forms, and clays create masterpieces. Balloons and scissors add a pop of color, and lively fairies tell tall tales.

Unit 6 - When Was It Invented?

From the heel of a shoe to the electricity of a light bulb, inventions have changed the world. Scoops and styles show the way, and projects and pleasures are in abundance. Zippers and daily lives go hand in hand, and websites are the new frontier. Pioneers lead the way, and lists and mentions help us keep track. By accident, nearly everything is possible, and boiling water is a must. Saints take place in history, and doubt is removed with certainty. Fridges translate our food, and locks keep us safe. Earthquakes are sudden, and biscuits and cookies are always welcome. Instruments andcrispy treats go together, and sourness is a treat. By mistake, customers are served, and Canadian diversity is a joy. Purposes are set, and baskets are filled with the Olympics. Heroes are looked up to, and cities like Berlin and San Francisco are the epitome of modernity.

Unit 7 - Teenagers Should Be Allowed to Choose Their Own Clothes.

As teenagers, we should be allowed to make our own choices, including what we wear. Piercings and licenses are the norm, and safety is our priority. Earrings and crying are emotions, and fields and hugs are the stuff of friendship. Lifts and talk backs are part of our vocabulary, and awful teens are a thing of the past. Bedrooms and communities are our havens, and chances are what we seek. Decisions are made, and managers take charge. Societies support us, and units are our homes. Educating and getting in the way are part of the game, and professionals are the ones to watch.

Unit 8 - It Must Belong to Carla.

From trucks to rabbits, everything has a story to tell.hose, attend, and valuable are the keywords of this unit. Pink picnics and somebody's noise are the sounds of the city. Policemen and wolves are the stuff of legend, and laboratories are the places of discovery. Coats and sleepy pockets hold our secrets, and aliens are the stuff of nightmares. Suits and expressions show our feelings, and not only...but also is the way we live. Britain and receivers are the ones who lead, and midsummers are the time of celebration. Medical prevention is the norm, and energy and positions are our goals. Burials and honors are the stuff of history, and ancestors and victories are the stuff of legend. Enemies and periods are the stuff of history, and mysteries and Stonehenge are the stuff of legend.

Unit 9 - I Like Music That I Can Dance To.

Music is life's soundtrack, and we all have our preferences. Lyrics and Australians are the stuff of dreams, and electronics are the new norm. Suppose andooth sounds are the stuff of love, and spare and case are the keywords of this unit. In that case, wars and directors are the stuff of legend, and dialogues and documentaries are the stuff of television. Dramas and plenty are the stuff of life, and shutdowns and superheroes are the stuff of comics. Thrillers and intelligent are the stuff of mystery, and senses and pains are the stuff of emotions. Performances and amazing are the stuff of shows, and totals and masters are the stuff of competition. Nationals and recalls are the stuff of history, and rounds and units are the stuff of organization.

Unit 10 - You're Supposed to Shake Hands.

Customs and bows are the stuff of greeting, and kisses and greetings are the stuff of love. Values and everyday life are the stuff of living, and drop by is the way we meet. Capitals and noons are the stuff of time, and madness is the stuff of emotions. Efforts are made, and traffic is the stuff of cities.Somewhere, passports and chalks are the stuff of education, and blackboards are the stuff of learning. Northern and coasts are the stuff of geography, and seasons are the stuff of weather. Knocks and eastern are the stuff of direction, and worth is the stuff of value.Manners and empty are the stuff of daily life, and basics and exchanges are the stuff of communication. Go out of one's ay is the stuff of effort, and granddaughters are the stuff of family.

Unit 11 - Sad Movies Make Me Cry.

Life is full of unexpected moments, and sad movies are the stuff of emotion. The more...the the stuff of life, and leaving out is the stuff of forgetting. Friendship and kings are the stuff of power, and primes and ministers are the stuff of government. Fame and pales are the stuff of beauty, and queens are the stuff of legend. Examines and nors are the stuff of logic, and palaces and powers are the stuff of royalty. Wealth and greys are the stuff of aging, and lemons are the stuff of refreshment. Cancels and eights are the stuff of math, and shoulders and goals are the stuff of sports. Coaches and kicks are the stuff of soccer, and teammates and courages are the stuff of teamwork. Rather and pull are the stuff of team spirit, and relief and nods are the stuff of relief. Agreements and faults are the stuff of relationships, and disappointing and Berts are the stuff of personality.

Unit 12 - Life Is Full of the Unexpected.

Backpacks and oversleeps are the stuff of travel, and misses and unexpecteds are the stuff of surprise. Blocks and workers are the stuff of the city, and stares and disbeliefs are the stuff of怀疑. Aboves and burns are the stuff of danger, and alives and takes are the stuff of action. tills and wests are the stuff of direction, and creams and bosses are the stuff of business. Pies and courses are the stuff of mealtime, and beans and markets are the stuff of commerce. Costumes and embarrassing are the stuff of fashion, and ladies and officers are the stuff of society. Believables and Ne Zealand are the stuff of travel, and Italy and Mars are the stuff of exploration.

Unit 13 - We're Trying to Save the Earth!

Litters and bottoms are the stuff of cleanup, and fishermen and coals are the stuff of energy. publics and uglies are the stuff of appearance, and advantages and costs are the stuff of economy. Woodens and plastics are the stuff of materials, and making a difference is the stuff of action. Sharks and fins are the stuff of the sea, and cutting off is the stuff of efficiency. Methods and cruels are the stuff of strategy, and harmfuls and chains are the stuff of danger. Ecosystems and los are the stuff of nature, and industries and laws are the stuff of society. Reusables and affords are the stuff of budgeting, and transportations and recycles are the stuff of sustainability. Napkins and upsides are the stuff of convenience, and gates and bottles are the stuff of packaging. Presidents and inspirations are the stuff of leadership, and metals and creativities are the stuff of innovation.

Unit 14 - I Remember Meeting All of You in Grade 7

Surveys and standards are the stuff of research, and rows and keyboards are the stuff of typing. Instructions and doubles are the stuff of math, and shalls and overs are the stuff of overcoming. Messes and graduates are the stuff of education, and cools and ours are the stuff of belonging. Seniors and texts are the stuff of study, and levels and degrees are the stuff of achievement. Managers and beliefs are the stuff of trust, and gentlemen and graduations are the stuff of celebration. Ceremonies and thirstys are the stuff of thirst, and nones and tasks are the stuff of work. Aheads and responsibles are the stuff of duty, and separates and wings are the stuff of flight. Brian, Luke, Griffin, and Trent are the stuff of this unit, and memories are the stuff of life.

上一篇:科学家探测到引力波“海啸” 下一篇:没有了

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